HFC: Cantabria Labs Difa Cooper participates in the new training course of the Onda Foundation to promote gender health.

Posture and well-being, smoking, stress and related work, menopause are the key themes of the new training course offered to companies for the year 2022.

Milan, 10 February 2022 – Important news in the context of the Health Friendly Company (HFC) project, the initiative of the Onda Foundation, the national observatory on women’s and gender health, which rewards companies for their commitment to promoting and protecting the health of its employees. In the first year, Cantabria Labs Difa Cooper, as well as all the companies that obtained the Sticker, was offered a training course consisting of periodic scientific in-depth meetings on gender health, mental health and lifestyles, publications in -book and video health pills.

In this second year there will be in-depth meetings on posture and well-being, smoking, stress and related work, menopause, to which will be added the decalogue of useful advice that will be issued after the online meetings. There are also video health pills on osteoporosis, cancer prevention and cardiovascular health.

The HFC project is on the one hand a corporate recognition, on the other a way to encourage companies to do more and better in the field of gender health,” says Francesca Merzagora, President of the Onda Foundation.

“Especially in these two-year period of COVID-19, in which we have seen the burden of the pandemic weigh more heavily on women, companies are called to promote ever more extensive welfare initiatives, providing their employees with all the tools necessary to preserve and protect their health in serenity and safety, managing, perhaps, to favor female employment as a consequence”.

At Cantabria Labs Difa Cooper we are proud to be able to continue this training course together with the Onda Foundation and provide our employees with ideas to improve their health and that of their loved ones and continue to celebrate life. ?

Onda Foundation press release

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