Immune System

The immune system of our body is normally able to recognize foreign substances (antigens) and fight against them. The deficiency or absence of the immunological response is responsible for an increased susceptibility to bacterial, viral, fungal infections. In fact, sometimes are given by opportunistic agents that are not generally able to cause infection in healthy individuals. The main route of penetration of infectious agents into the human body is represented by natural cavities, i.e. the nose and the mouth. In addition, the antigens activity is facilitated by the cold, which causes a decrease in local defenses in the rhino-pharyngeal area, favoring the attack of pathogens.The defensive system reacts to aggression by initiating the production of specific antibodies against the attacking virus or pathogen. However, in cases of increased body needs (growth, convalescence, autumn and winter periods) and in situations of immune deficiency, a prevention performed in seasonal changes can greatly improve the quality of life of adults and children.
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